What noblesville township am i in
What noblesville township am i in

In the color column, you can use any browser-supported color name or any 6-digit hex color codeĢ.

what noblesville township am i in

The second column can contain links beginning with that will appear when the user clicks the map on that ZIP Code.

what noblesville township am i in

The header of the second column will be used as the map legend heading.If you don't have a Google Sheet, create one by importing from Excel or a.Map data will be read from the first sheet tab in your Google Sheet.You can use any combination of 5-digit ZIP Codes and 3-digit ZIP Codes.Free version has a limit of 1,000 rows monthly contributors can map up to 10,000 rows per map.

what noblesville township am i in

In Google Sheets, create a spreadsheet with the first 3 columns in this order: ZIPCode, Data*, and Color

What noblesville township am i in